Saturday, December 21, 2019

Wood Certification for Wood Companies and Television Ads

The article states that foreign companies started to get certifications for wood companies, but in the United State, wood companies do not do the same and provide three reasons. However, the professor explains that most of people agreed with this rule to have the certifications in America and refutes each of the authors reasons. First, the reading claims that there is lots of advertising for American consumer and they do not care and would not estimate about the eco certification. The professor refutes this point by saying that companies in United State do not treat all advertisements and they would distinguish between advertising claims that companies make about their own and advertising by independent. He states that Americans are more likely by independent advertisement. Second, the reading posits that eco certified wood is more expensive due to earn certification and because of this issue American are interested to opting cheaper and uncertified products. However, the professor says that it is obvious that American cares about price and who does not. According to the professor, people tend to be examined the prices and find it that witch is higher and witch one is lower. So, by finding less than 5 percent of difference they would choose the best with eco certification. Third, the article says that pursuing certification is a value for American wood companies when they expose their products to abroad. The professor opposes this point by explaining that AmericanShow MoreRelatedBasf Marketing Report6884 Words   |  28 PagesWe don t make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better. ® An Exemplar Marketing Company Executive Summary BASF the chemical company is a provider of chemicals that has operations on five continents selling intermediates to various different industries. Founded in Manheim Germany in 1865 BASF has continually been on the move growing its presence globally. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

A Study On Construction Risk Management Engineering Essay Free Essays

string(81) " indispensable first measure in hazard direction and is perchance the most hard\." This paper discusses hazard in the building industry and how building contractors are covering with it. A aggregation of adept sentiments and theories, this paper discusses the general hazard direction theoretical account from hazard designation, appraisal and analysis of hazard, and commanding and pull offing hazard. Discussion of building insurance and building bonding are discussed, every bit good as how they are utilised as tools in building hazard direction. We will write a custom essay sample on A Study On Construction Risk Management Engineering Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The experience qualifier is explored in how it is of import in a building hazard direction plan. In add-on, a checklist is provided that highlights the most general points that need to be considered in a hazard direction plan. The building industry could see to be one of the most dynamic, hazardous, and disputing industries in the universe. In add-on, the building industry has a really hapless repute for pull offing hazard, with many major undertakings neglecting to run into deadlines and cost marks ( Mills, 2001 ) . Many times this consequences in hapless undertaking public presentation ( Tah 2000 ) . This is greatly influenced by the fact that this industry is exposed to many altering variables of different magnitudes. Some of the more normally known variables are weather, productiveness of labour and equipment, and quality of stuffs. All excessively frequently, hazards are either ignored, or dealt with in a wholly arbitrary manner. One of these ways may be by merely adding a 10 per cent eventuality onto the estimated cost of a undertaking with the premise that this will cover any of these possible and unknown variables. In an industry like building, this attack may be unequal, ensuing in expensive holds , extenuation, judicial proceeding, or even bankruptcy. Of equal importance, any contractor who has lost a occupation due to turning in a high command, may non wish entertaining the thought that this method of utilizing eventuality as a hazard direction tool may hold been the cause of losing a command on a occupation. A small planning and apprehension of what the possible hazard were for the contract aided by the appropriate actions, may hold allowed the contractor to hold won the command and still be in a place of being protected from these industry variables that may hold been endangering during the life of the building undertaking. In building, building directors and proprietors study hazard, the possible realisation of unwanted effects from jeopardies originating from a possible event on the building undertaking, the appraisal of the acceptableness of the hazards, and the direction of unacceptable hazards ( Hipel, 2000 ) . On a building site for illustration, the chance of a building decease ( unwanted effect ) is a hazard caused that can be caused by a safety job ( jeopardy ) at the occupation site ( event ) . Risk direction is the term for the systematic analysis and control of hazard, such as forestalling building accidents from go oning. Hazard in general pervades modern society and is widely acknowledged, it continues to do ageless contention and argument ( Hipel, 2000 ) . The definition of hazard contains two constituents: the chance of an unwanted effect of an event and the earnestness of that effect. Hazard is the chance that an inauspicious event occurs during a declared period of clip ( Royal Society 1991 ) . The ground that building, when compared to other concern industry sections, has an increased leaning for hazard state of affairss is because of the legion booby traps involved with this industry. These booby traps represent repeating jobs that significantly affect both cost and agendas for about any type of building undertaking ( Palmer 10 ) . The following tabular array illustrates these usual booby traps ( Palmer 11 ) : Owner Interior designer Contractor Failure to fund Defective programs and eyeglasses Decelerate to mobilise Owner-furnished stuffs non available Shop pulling reappraisal and stuff blessing Failure to staff undertaking Major alterations in demands Improper or delayed alteration orders Failure to supply sufficient equipment Failure to do advancement payments Failure to organize between primes Failure to organize Intervention Inadequate information Inadequate undertaking direction controls Risk direction is an of import portion of the decision-making procedure of all building companies. Hazard and uncertainness can potentially hold damaging effects for some building undertakings. Hazard can impact productiveness, public presentation, quality, and the budget of a undertaking. Hazards on a building undertaking can non be eliminated, but it can be minimized, transferred, or retained ( Mills, 2001 ) . It is recommended that directors involved in the building procedure implement hazard direction techniques from the origin of a undertaking to its shutting. While there are different direction theoretical accounts available ( see figure 1 for an illustration ) , they by and large follow a similar form. This form is modeled after the undermentioned stairss: Designation of Hazard Appraisal and Analysis of Hazard Controling and Managing of the Hazard Risk direction is non a new construct and is considered to be a systematic attack to covering with hazard. Much research has been done in rating and direction of hazard ( Kangari 1989 ) . Successful contractors must understand and pull off the hazards that are encountered with building ( Insurance Institute of America 1995 ) . Traditionally it has been applied instinctively, with hazards staying implicit and managed by judgement, informed by experience. The systematic attack makes the hazards clear, officially depicting them and doing them easier to pull off. In other words, systematic hazard direction is a direction tool, which requires practical experience and preparation in the usage of the techniques ( Mills 245 ) . Harmonizing to Godfrey ( 1996 ) , systematic hazard direction helps to: Identify, buttocks, and rank hazards, doing the hazards explicit ; Focus on the major hazards of the undertaking ; Make informed determination on the proviso for hardship, e.g. extenuation steps ; Minimize possible harm should the worst happen ; Control the unsure facets of building undertakings ; Clarify and formalise the company ‘s function and the functions of others in the hazard direction procedure. Identify the chances to heighten undertaking public presentation It has been found that the designation of each hazard is an indispensable first measure in hazard direction and is perchance the most hard. You read "A Study On Construction Risk Management Engineering Essay" in category "Essay examples" The designation of each beginning of hazard and the constituents of that hazard constituent allows the hazard point to be separated from others ( Williams 1995 ) . Consideration of each act uponing factor will simplify the analysis and direction of the hazard. In hazard designation, the cardinal inquiry to inquire is: What are the distinct characteristics of the undertaking ( hazard beginnings ) that might do such failure? ( Godfrey 1996 ) . The pragmatism of hazard estimations increases as the undertaking returns. However, the major determinations should be made early in the life of the undertaking, as eventuality stairss need to be put into topographic point to counter the hazard. So despite the troubles, a realistic estimation of the concluding cost and continuance of the entire undertaking is required every bit early as possible. The Oklahoman that possible jobs and the associated hazards are identified in a building undertaking, the Oklahoman better direction techniques and determinations can be made to guarantee that the undertaking is non a job from the start. There is a 2nd, but every bit of import, ground for the early designation of hazard and uncertainness, it focuses the attending of project direction on the schemes for the control and allotment of hazard, e.g. through the pick of a contract scheme, buying of insurance and bonding ( Mills 248 ) . After hazard is identified, the hazard must be assessed for chance of bing on the building undertaking, and possible effects from happening and analyzed. Risk appraisal is the rating of the comparative importance of an estimated hazard with regard to other hazards faced by the population, the benefits of the activity beginning of the hazard, and the costs of pull offing the hazard ( Hipel 2000 ) . The impact of a hazard can be measured as the likeliness of a specific unwanted event and its unwanted effects or loss and can be shown mathematically where: RI = L x C Where: RI = Risk Impact L = Likelihood C = Consequence Hazard and uncertainness are portion of all building work regardless of the size of the undertaking. Other hazard factors that carry hazard include: complexness, velocity of building, location of the undertaking, and acquaintance with the work. These variables must be assessed in respects to their impact on the undertaking, which is normally fiscal in construction. When serious hazards occur on undertakings the effects can be really detrimental. In utmost instances, clip and cost overproductions turn a potentially profitable undertaking into a loss-making venture. Research has showed that cost and clip marks are frequently missed due to unanticipated events that even an experient undertaking director can non expect. These events are known in progress, but their extent could frequently non be quantified. For illustration, industrial differences, delayed determinations, or changed land conditions may all be anticipated, but their likeliness and impact are difficult to foretell with any preciseness as no two building undertakings are the same ; this makes it of import to place hazard beginnings for each undertaking ( Mills 246 ) . It is recommended that it may be utile to group hazards harmonizing to simple steps of their chance and likely impact, by concentrating on what is of import and the action that controls the hazard. In a building undertaking, the result can ever be unexpected, as costs may be less than anticipated, the conditions may be sort, grosss may transcend outlook. Therefore, hazards can sometimes be viewed every bit good every bit long as they are allowed for. Indeed, it is the function of a building director to pull off hazard on behalf of the edifice client, and in return derive income or net income from the undertaking ( Mills 246 ) . Hazard analysis is the systematic appraisal of determination variables that are capable to hazard and uncertainness ( Edwards 1998 ) . The hazard analysis procedure is a portion of the hazard direction procedure in consisting the chance of happening of inauspicious events ; the scene of assuming bounds to associated uncertainnesss ; and the measuring of the possible impact of hazard event results. When building hazard is to be analyzed, some of the undermentioned hazard factors should be considered ( Insurance Institute of America 1995 ) : A. Project-specific hazard factors 1. Contract-owner related Repute of the contract proprietor Owner ‘s undertaking funding 2. Contract papers related Plans and specifications Contract term Chemical bond signifiers 3. Performance Related Project Management and supervising Size of the undertaking Complexity of the work Site and subsurface conditions The labour force and labour costs Subcontracts Materials Construction equipment Time to get down and finish the work Liquidated amendss Care warrants and care periods Weather conditions Bid spreads Geographic locations Estimated gross net income Contribution to operating net income ( loss ) Dependability of cost estimations B. Work backlog hazard factors Capacity of the contractor ‘s organisation Contractor ‘s fiscal capacity Number of contracts and hazard categorizations There are different tools and techniques used for analysing hazard and doing determinations under hazard. There are many ways to make this, from the reasonably simple to those that require a computing machine as a minimal tool. These tools have different complexnesss. Risk direction is one facet of direction scientific discipline. There are two wide classs of direction scientific discipline techniques: deterministic, and probabilistic ( or called stochastic ) . Deterministic techniques assume that the values of the determination variables are known with 100 % certainty, which is seldom the instance with building ( Flanagan 69 ) . Probabilistic or stochastic techniques on the other manus, are concerned with factors that can non be estimated with certainty, such as most informations associated with building ( Flanagan 69 ) . The following tabular array contains techniques that largely provide quantitative solutions, and integrate some subjectiveness, but are by and large used as decision-making techniques in analysing hazard and reacting to hazard ( Flanagan 1993 ) . Decision-making Technique Where they are used The Risk Premium Hazard Response Risk-adjusted price reduction rate Hazard Response Subjective Probability Hazard Response Decision Analysis -Algorithms -Means-end analysis -Decision Matrix -Bayesian Model Hazard Analysis/Risk Classification Sensitivity Analysis Hazard Response Monte Carlo simulation Hazard Response Portfolio Theory Stochastic Laterality When mensurating hazard, the likeliness, or the chance, of an inauspicious event, is normally expressed in footings of the figure of such events expected to happen in a twelvemonth ( Godfrey, 1996 ) . The effect of an inauspicious event, sometimes called harm, is frequently expressed in pecuniary footings. In the instance of human deaths or serious holds, it is more appropriate to utilize other steps, like yearss lost, or experience alteration evaluation ( Godfrey, 1996 ) . The hazard direction program should order processs that address the inactive and dynamic hazards built-in to the undertaking. The end of the program is to minimise the proprietor ‘s exposure to hazard from the start of design to tenancy and through the guarantee period, every bit good as the contractor and interior decorator ‘s hazards. The program should stress hazard consciousness. It should include processs that will place inactive and dynamic hazards, evaluate their possible loss value, and prescribe ways to efficaciously dispose of them in ways that serve the proprietor ‘s best involvements. The conventional agencies of hazard disposal are to: Extinguish the hazard, by taking an alternate class of action Shed the hazard, by allowing person else bear the load Assign the hazard to others, by understanding or contract Retain the hazard and minimise it through micromanagement ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . The list of hazards could be significant because it should be every bit comprehensive as pos ­sible. It should be started at the brainstorming session and continued throughout the procedure of the building undertaking until it is complete. Every squad member should be hazard, quality, and safety-conscious and contribute to the list as hazards are identified. The best attack is to ever maintain a â€Å" what if † atti ­tude when be aftering action or pondering determinations. Persons involved in the undertaking should non measure hazards to find their suitableness for the list. All hazards should be for ­warded to the top direction for rating ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . It is besides of import to keep the hazard informations for usage in future undertakings. The obvious hazards built-in to a building undertaking can be identified by undertaking members and their experience. Typically, this may be the primary beginning for the possibility of hazard on the undertaking. Experienced building companies can probably lend a starter list accumulated from past undertakings and from the hazard informations that was collected. It is of import in hazard direction for the building undertaking members to add hazards to the list as they are discovered and experienced with. Risk direction should be a standing point on every squad meeting docket, because risk-management determinations should be inactive whenever possible. Inactive deci ­sions can merely be made if the hazards are identified early plenty to ease squad action. The major risk-management solution tool to be utilized is insurance ; surety bonding is a close sec ­ond. Loss due to accidents and non-performing contractors has the highest potency of all individual hazards. However, both these hazards are inactive hazards normally dealt with on every building undertaking and should be considered. The end should be to reexamine all identifiable hazards by precedence and set up processs to decrease the potency of each one. Hazard direction is a portion of catching and building that must be micro-managed ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . In general, it is of import to retrieve that a hazard direction system should: set up an appropriate context ; set ends and aims ; place and analyse hazards ; influence haza rd decision-making ; and proctor and reappraisal hazard responses. ( Edwards 1998 ) . The hazard inherent in every building undertaking can be assumed by another party, assumed separately, or shared by holding parties. The chief guideline in finding whether a hazard should be transferred is whether the having party has both the competency to reasonably measure the hazard and the expertness necessary to command or minimise it ( Hartman, 1996 ) . It was found that both parties must hold a clear and similar apprehension of the hazard. Contracting parties who do non hold a shared apprehension of its answerability may mishandle the hazard event by presuming that the event or its corresponding effects are non their duty ( Hartman 1996 ) . The term â€Å" ownership of hazard † has a assortment of significances including: holding a interest in the benefit or injury that may originate from the activity that leads to the hazard ; duty for the hazard ; answerability for the control of hazard ; fiscal duty for the whole or portion of the injury arising from the hazard should it happen ( Godfrey 1996 ) . In a hazard allotment study by Roozbeh ( 1995 ) , respondents were asked to put hazard associated with building into three classs: allotment of the hazard to the contractor, allotment of hazard to the proprietor, or a sharing of the hazard. The hazard allotment procedure of the respondents is shown in Table I and the degree of importance of hazard is shown in Table II. A similar study carried out by ASCE in 1979 showed that contractors were less willing to accept, or even portion hazard, preferring alternatively that proprietors accept duty for most building hazards. Responses to the two studies showed pronounced differences in sentiment sing third-party holds, Acts of the Apostless of God, damages, and existent measures of work ( Mills 247 ) . Typical allotment of hazard in a building undertaking Hazard ALLOCATION Hazard DESCRIPTION Contractor Labour and Equipment Productivity Quality of work Labour, Equipment, and Material Availability Safety Defective Material Contractor Competence Inflation Actual Measures of Work Labour Disputes Owner Differing Site Conditionss Defective Design Site Access/right of manner licenses and regulations Changes in Government Regulations Delay payment of contract Changes in Work Shared Fiscal Failure – any party Change-order dialogues Contract-delay declaration Undecided Acts of God Third-party holds Defensive Engineering Degree of Importance of Hazard Importance Hazard ALLOCATION Hazard DESCRIPTION Most Important Contractor Contractor Contractor Owner Owner Safety Quality of Work Labor and Equipment Productivity Defective Design Construction Competence/delayed payment Least Important Owner Owner Undecided Undecided Changes in Government Regulations Site access/right of manner licenses and ordinances/inflation Acts of God Defensive Engineering As discussed, building work has many associated hazards. Some of these hazards by nature are risky, and accidents can be frequent and frequently terrible on a building site. The one-year toll of deceases, personal hurts, and belongings harm in the building industry has been highly high at times ( Clough 166 ) . When one is making research on hazard direction, a batch of information sing insurance is found. That is because after building hazards are identified, analyzed, and assessed building insurance is the lone manner to safeguard against the possibility of the appointed hazard from going a fiscal menace. Insurance is one of the most common hazard direction tools available to building directors and proprietors in making a eventuality for the hazard variables that may originate during a undertaking Insurance is a pool of money, sustained by premiums paid by an correspondent group of insured ‘s, that is called upon to cover specified losingss when they occur. Premiums fluc ­tuate in response to losingss as a agency of keeping the degree of the pool. Insurance is a competitory concern where insurance companies are invariably seeking new insured ‘s. Premium charges are competitory from insurance company to insurer and adjusted harmonizing to the loss expe ­rience of the insured ‘s ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Construction insurance is required in three countries: Owner Protection, CM and A/E Protection, and Contractor Protection. Different building bringing methods and multiple catching do non alter the traditional signifiers and coverage ‘s of insurance but trade with some of them otherwise. Construction industry insurance is a extremely specialised field and building directors are normally non expected to hold insurance experts on their staff. However, a wide cognition of insurance is necessary to assist the proprietor set up a static-risk protection plan that provides effectual coverage and is compatible with the CM catching construction ( Haltenhoff 297 ) . The possible badness of building accidents and the frequence with which they can happen necessitate that the contractor protect himself with a assortment of complex and expensive insurance coverage ‘s. Without equal insurance protection, the contractor would be continuously faced with the fleeting possibility of serious or even catastrophic fiscal loss ( Clough 166 ) . Construction undertakings normally have in force several coincident contractual agreements between different parties. These understandings can be between proprietor and architect-engineer, between proprietor and general contractor, and between the general contractor and his several subcontractors. Contracts that provide for design-construct and building direction services and the usage of separate premier contracts can present extra considerations in the dialogue of the contract. When looking at all of these agreements as a whole within the building undertaking, these contracts can set up a complicated construction of duties for amendss originating out of the building operations ( Clough 166 ) . Liability for accidents can be placed on the proprietor or architect-engineer, every bit good as on the premier contractor and subcontractors whose equipment and employees perform the existent work. Many building contracts typically require the contractor to presume the proprietor and archite ct-engineer ‘s legal liability for building accidents or to supply insurance for the proprietor ‘s direct protection. Consequently, a contractor ‘s insurance plan usually includes coverage ‘s to protect individuals other than himself and to protect him from liabilities non lawfully his ain ( Clough 166 ) . An insurance policy is a conditional contract under which the insurance company promises, for a consideration, to presume fiscal duty for a specified loss or liability. The policy itself is a legal papers incorporating many commissariats refering to the loss against which it affords protection ( Clough 167 ) . Basically, the jurisprudence of insurance is identified with the jurisprudence of contracts. However, because of its confidant association with public public assistance, the insurance field is closely controlled and purely regulated by federal and province legislative acts. Each province has an insurance regulative bureau that administers that province ‘s insurance codification, a set of statutory commissariats that imposes ordinances on insurance companies refering investings, militias, one-year fiscal statements, and periodic scrutinies. Insurance companies are controlled as to their organisational construction, fiscal personal businesss, and concern methods. In most pr ovinces insurance policies must conform to statutory demands as to organize and content ( Clough 167 ) . The province of Oklahoma has the Oklahoma Insurance Department ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) with the mission statement to â€Å"serve and protect the insurance purchasing populace. This will be accomplished by guaranting that consumers have available a solvent insurance market, a knowing industry from which to buy insurance, and by supplying high-quality policyholder service and instruction. To this terminal, the Department will implement the insurance Torahs and ordinances of this province impartially and expeditiously.† This organisation is an illustration of a province regulative bureau that administers the province ‘s insurance codification. A loss suffered by a contractor as a consequence of his ain calculated action can non be recovered by the contractor under an insurance policy. However, carelessness or inadvertence on the portion of the contractor will non by and large annul the insurance contract. The contractor must pay a premium as the consideration for the insurance company ‘s promise of protection against the designated loss. Many types of insurance require the premium to be paid in progress before the policy becomes a force and consequence. In the event of a loss covered by an insurance policy, the contractor can non retrieve more than his loss ; that is, he can non do a net income at the disbursal of the insurance company ( Clough 167 ) . Insurance companies can be organized as stock companies or as common companies. The stock companies are organized in a mode similar to that of a bank, and ownership is vested in shareholders. The proprietor of an insurance policy has no ownership in the company and assumes no hazard of appraisal if the insurance company encounters fiscal contraries ( Clough 167 ) . A common company is one in which the policyholders constitute the members of the sing company and association. Every policyholder of the common company is, at the same clip, an insurance company and an insured. If it happens that the premiums collected are in surplus of the losingss, the surplus is returned to the policyholders â€Å"dividends† . By the same item, if losingss outweigh income, appraisals of the policyholders may be possible. State Torahs permit common companies that satisfy certain trials to- bound or extinguish the appraisal that can be levied against the members. Consequently, the policies of many common companies are non-assessable. This varies well with the bylaws and policies of the single common company. In belongings and casualty insurance, a field of insurance particularly of import to contractors, several mutuals are among the largest companies. In life insurance likely a bulk of the largest companies are mutuals ( Clough 167 ) . With the many jeopardies that confront the building concern and the many types of insurance types that a contractor can purchase for protection and hazard direction, it could be considered to be difficult for a contractor to make up one’s mind merely what insurance is truly needed on building undertaking. In world, the contractor rather frequently has no pick. For illustration, it is standard pattern that building contracts require the contractor to supply certain insurance coverages ( Clough 167-168 ) . Construction contracts typically make the contractor responsible for obtaining coverages such as workingmans ‘s compensation insurance, contractor ‘s public liability and belongings harm insurance, and contractor ‘s contingent liability insurance. Property insurance to protect and liability insurance to protect the proprietor may be made the duty of either the proprietor or the contractor, depending on the contract ( Clough 167-168 ) . There are many illustrations of particular insurance being required by contract when the building involves unusual hazards or conditions. When the contract delegates to the contractor specific duty for obtaining certain insurance, it is customary that he be required to subject insurance certifications to the proprietor or the architect-engineer as cogent evidence that the coverage stipulated has, in fact, been provided ( Clough 167-168 ) . Some Construction contracts require the contractor to keep the proprietor and architect-engineer harmless by accepting any liability that either of them may incur because of operations performed under the contract. Most contract paperss that contain such insurance clauses are expressed in necessitating the contractor to secure appropriate contractual liability insurance ( Clough 167-168 ) . With respect to contractual insurance demands, it is ever good pattern for a contractor to subject a transcript of the contract paperss to his insurance company while the occupation is being bid and before building operations commence for analysis. The contractor is non normally an insurance expert and is non truly competent to measure the hazards and liabilities placed on-him by the contract. The contractors insurance agents or agents are qualified to analyse the paperss and rede him refering the insurance demands dictated by the linguistic communication of a given building contract ( Clough 167-168 ) . Certain sorts of insurance are required by jurisprudence, and the contractor must supply them whether or non they are called for by the contract. Workmen ‘s compensation ; motor vehicle ; unemployment ; and old age, subsister ‘s, and disablement insurance are illustrations of coverages required by legislative act. The jurisprudence makes the independent contractor apt for amendss caused by his Acts of the Apostless of skip or committee. In add-on, the premier contractor has a contingent liability for the actions of his subcontractors. Therefore, whether or non the jurisprudence is specific refering certain types of insurance, the contractor as a practical fact must secure several different classs of liability insurance to protect himself from his legal duty for amendss caused by his ain building operations every bit good as those of his subcontractors ( Clough 168-169 ) . Aside from coverages required by jurisprudence and the building contract, it is the contractor ‘s prerogative to make up one’s mind what insurance shall be carried. Such elected coverages pertain chiefly to the contractor ‘s ain belongings or to belongings for which he is responsible. It is non economically possible for the contractor to transport all the insurance coverages available to him. That is why a contractor must measure the hazard with a hazard direction program in order to make up one’s mind which tools of insurance demand to be utilized. If he purchased insurance protection against every hazard that is insurable, the cost of the ensuing premiums would enforce an impossible fiscal load on the building company. The extent and magnitude of a contractor ‘s insurance plan can be decided merely after careful survey, appraisal, and analysis. If a hazard is insurable, the cost of the premiums must be balanced against the possible loss and the chanc e of its happening and a determination must be made to what the contractor is willing to hazard. There are building hazards that are non insurable, and associated losingss must be regarded merely as ordinary concern disbursals ( Clough 169 ) . At times careful planning and punctilious building processs can minimise a hazard at less cost than the premium of a covering insurance policy. This becomes a halfway point of hazard direction. Thus the contractor may take to presume a deliberate hazard instead than to pay a high insurance premium. A contractor with experience in executing this procedure can salvage money and finally make an border over other contractors offering on the same building work. A common illustration by Richard Clough Tells of presuming such a hazard involves building that is to be erected instantly next to an bing construction. If the nature of the new building is such that the bing construction may be endangered by colony or prostration, the contractor has two classs of action unfastened to him. As one option he can include in his estimation the premium for a prostration policy. Such protection is high in cost and is by and large available merely with significant deductible sums. Alternatively, the contr actor can presume the hazard himself without insurance protection, taking to trust on his accomplishment and on extraordinary safeguards in building processs to acquire the occupation done without bad luck ( Clough 1981 ) . Insurance coverages are complex, and each new building contract presents its ain jobs. The contractor should choose a competent insurance agent or agent who is experienced in building work and familiar with contractors ‘ insurance jobs. Without competent advice, the contractor is rather apt either to incur the gratuitous disbursal of overlapping protection or to expose himself to the danger of critical spreads in his insurance coverage. The contractor can frequently cut down his insurance cost by maintaining his representative advised in item as to the nature and behavior of his building operations ( Clough 1981 ) . There are many different types of building insurance coverages, and non every policy is applicable to any one building undertaking. The types vary for each undertaking. The undermentioned checklist ( Clough 170-173 ) is non represented as being a complete list of insurance that could be needed on a building undertaking or as portion of a hazard direction plan, but it does incorporate insurance coverages typical of the building industry. Property Insurance on Undertaking All-risk builder ‘s hazard insurance – This insurance protects against all hazards of direct physical loss or harm to the undertaking or to associated stuffs and occupation equipment caused by any external consequence, with celebrated exclusions. Builder ‘s hazard fire insurance – The basic policy provides protection for the undertaking, including stored stuffs and occupation equipment, against direct loss by fire or lightning. A figure of separate indorsements to the builder ‘s hazard fire insurance policy are available that add coverage for specific losingss. Extended coverage indorsement – This covers belongings against all direct loss caused by windstorm, hail, detonation, public violence, civil disturbance, aircraft, vehicles, and fume. Vandalism and malicious mischievousness indorsement Water harm indorsement – Insurance of this type indemnifies for loss or harm caused by inadvertent discharge, escape, or overflow of H2O or steam. Included are faulty pipes, roofs, and H2O armored combat vehicles. This does non include harm caused by sprinkler escape, inundations, or high H2O. Earthquake insurance – This coverage may be provided by an indorsement to the builder ‘s hazard policy in some provinces. Elsewhere a separate policy must be issued. Bridge insurance – This insurance is of the inland Marine type and is frequently termed the span builder ‘s hazard policy. It affords protection during building against harm that may be caused by fire, lightning, inundation, ice, hit, detonation, public violence, hooliganism, air current, twister, and temblor. Steam boiler and machinery insurance – A contractor or proprietor may buy this signifier of insurance when the boiler equipment of a edifice under building is being tested and balanced or when being used to heat the construction for stick oning, floor laying, or other intents. Unlike other belongings insurances listed here, this type includes some liability coverage. This policy covers any hurt or harm that may happen to or be caused by the boiler during its use by the contractor. Installation musca volitans policy – Insurance of this type provides protection for belongings of assorted sorts such as undertaking equipment and machinery ( heating and air conditioning systems, for illustration ) from the clip that it leaves the topographic point of cargo until it is installed on the undertaking and tested. Coverage terminates when the insured ‘s involvement in the belongings ceases, when the belongings is accepted, or when it is taken over by the proprietor. Property Insurance on Contractor ‘s Own Property Fire insurance on contractor ‘s ain edifices – This coverage affords protection for offices, sheds, warehouses, and stored contents. Endorsements for extended coverage and for hooliganism and malicious mischievousness are besides available. Contractor ‘s equipment insurance – This type of policy, frequently termed a musca volitans, insures a contractor ‘s building equipment regardless of its location. Motor truck lading policy – This insurance covers loss by named jeopardies to stuffs or equipment carried on the contractor ‘s ain trucks from provider to warehouse or constructing site. Transportation musca volitans – Insurance of this type provides all-risk or named-peril protection for a contractor ‘s or proprietor ‘s edifice stuffs and equipment while being delivered. Burglary, robbery, and larceny insurance – This signifier of insurance protects the contractor against the loss of money or negotiable securities through burglary, larceny, robbery, devastation, disappearing, or unlawful abstraction. Fidelity bond – This surety bond affords the contractor protection against loss caused by dishonesty of their employees. Dishonesty, devastation, and disappearing policy – A comprehensive policy of this signifier protects against the loss of money and securities, on and off the premises, caused by dishonesty, cryptic disappearing, or devastation. It insures against dishonesty of employees, loss of money and securities, loss of securities in safety sedimentation, and counterfeit. Valuable documents devastation insurance – This policy protects the contractor against the loss, harm, or devastation of valuable documents such as books, records, maps, drawings, abstracts, workss, mortgages, contracts, and paperss. It does non cover loss by malposition, unexplained disappearing, wear and tear, impairment, varmint, or war. Liability Insurance Employer ‘s liability insurance – This insurance is customarily written in combination with workingmans ‘s compensation insurance. It affords the contractor wide coverage for personal hurt or decease of an employee in the class of his employment, but outside of and distinct from any claims under workingmans ‘s compensation Torahs. Contractor ‘s public liability and belongings harm insurance – This insurance protects the contractor from his legal liability for hurts to individuals non in his employ and for harm to the belongings of others, which belongings is non in the contractor ‘s attention, detention, or control, when such hurts or damage originate out of the operations of the contractor. Contractor ‘s protective public and belongings harm liability insurance – This protects the contractor against his liability imposed by jurisprudence originating out of Acts of the Apostless or skips of his subcontractors. Contractual liability insurance – This signifier of insurance is required when one party to a contract, by footings of that contract, assumes certain legal liabilities of the other party. The usual signifiers of liability insurance do non afford this coverage. Owner ‘s protective liability insurance – This insurance protects the proprietor from his contingent liability for amendss originating from the operations of the contractor of his subcontractors. Completed operations liability insurance – This signifier of insurance protects the contractor from harm claims stemming from his alleged faulty public presentation on undertakings since completed and handed over to the proprietor. The usual signifiers of liability insurance provide protection merely while the contractor is executing his work and non after it has been competed and accepted by the proprietor. Employee Insurance Workmen ‘s compensation insurance – This insurance provides all benefits required by jurisprudence to employees killed or injured in the class of their employment. Old age, subsisters ‘ , and disablement insurance – This all-federal insurance system operated by the United States authorities provides old-age benefits to an insured worker and his household, subsister ‘s benefits to his household when the worker dies, and disablement benefits. Unemployment insurance – This federal-state insurance program provides workers with a hebdomadal income during periods of unemployment between occupations. Disability insurance – This insurance, required by some provinces, provides benefits to employees for disablements caused by non-occupational accidents and disease. Motor Vehicle Insurance Assorted signifiers of insurance are available in connexion with ownership and usage of cars and trucks. Liability coverages protect the contractor against third-party claims of bodily hurt or belongings harm affecting the contractor ‘s vehicles or non-owned vehicles that are used in his involvement. Collision insurance, together with comprehensive fire and larceny coverage, indemnifies the contractor for harm to his ain vehicles. Business, Accident, and Life Insurance Business break insurance – This insurance is designed to reimburse the proprietor for losingss suffered because of and break of his concern. Sole proprietary insurance – A policy of this type provides hard currency to help inheritors in go oning or disposing of the concern without forfeit in the even of decease of the proprietor. Accident insurance on spouses or cardinal work forces Life insurance on spouses or cardinal work forces – This insurance reimburses the concern for fiscal loss ensuing from the decease of a cardinal adult male in the concern. It besides builds up a sinking fund to be available on his retirement. Group life insurance – contractors frequently purchase life insurance for their employees. This affords protection for each participant at a low group cost, the premium for which may be paid entirely or partially by the contractor. Extra sums can frequently be purchased by the employees at their ain disbursal. Group hospitalization insurance – such insurance screens hospitalization and surgical disbursals incurred by covered employees. Policies are frequently written to include the households of the employees. A part of the premium may be paid by the employer and the balance by the persons insured. It is of import to retrieve that insurance used in hazard direction, is valuable merely every bit long as the insurance policy is in consequence. The cancellation of an insurance policy can be lay waste toing if a loss occurs during a period for which no coverage exists. Although an proprietor may non be in a place to qualify that insurance policies can non be canceled, added protection is assured if the proprietor requires anterior presentment of such a cancellation ( Hinze 2001 ) . Surety bonds and insurance are considered to both be inactive hazard transportation devices paid for by premiums. In general, these are the lone chief similarities between these two hazard direction tools. The chief difference between insurance and surety bonds is that insurance companies presuppose that losingss will happen and surety bond companies do non presuppose that losingss will go on refering the building undertaking ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . If the contractor fails to execute in conformity with the contract, a bond can protect the proprietor. Sometimes an proprietor requires a bond from the contractor before a building undertaking is started. Many times, cogent evidence on the portion of the contractor is required to demo if the contractor is able to obtain the defined bond required by the proprietor. The proprietor may pay for this bond but wants to cognize before come ining into an understanding the sum of money required. If a contrac ­tor has an understanding with an proprietor to execute a certain range of work for a specific monetary value and does n’t finish the work, the adhering company will either pay for work to be completed or happen person to finish the work. However, the bonding company is responsible merely up to the sum of the contract ( Gould 2003 ) . Surety bonds underwrite a fiscal duty of one party to another much the same as when a note co-signer hacks up a borrower of financess. If the borrower fails to refund the financess harmonizing to the note ‘s judicial admissions, the co-signer is lawfully obligated to make so. When this occurs, the co-signer ‘s resort is to seek restitu ­tion from the borrower ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . In the building industry, a surety bond is a pledge from a 3rd party ( the Surety ) to finish a contracted duty to a 2nd party ( the Owner ) made by a first party ( the Contractor ) who can non, for whatever ground, finish the contracted duty to the 2nd party. A surety bureau is paid a premium by the contractor for pro ­viding the bond to the proprietor, and the cost of the bond is passed on to the proprietor as portion of the contractor ‘s cost of the undertaking ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Unlike a building insurance policy, a surety ‘s credence of a contractor as a client is based on the con ­tractor ‘s fiscal resources and public presentation record, non on fiscal ability to pay premiums. The contractor ‘s capacity sing their fiscal resources and public presentation record must be established and maintained to the satisfaction of the surety if a surety-contractor relationship is to be. The fiscal and capital assets of a contractor are an indicant of ability to refund the surety if the contractor defaults on a undertaking and the surety becomes must go involved. Normally, a con ­tractor ‘s fiscal province determines the size of the building undertakings in which the contractor can offer and obtain. A contractor with considerable assets will be permitted by the surety to offer and work on undertakings that contractors with lesser assets will non. By set uping adhering capacities, sureties determine which contractors can offer which undertaki ngs ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . The building contractor is obligated to refund all costs expended by the surety to finish the contractor ‘s duties, even if it forces the contractor into bankruptcy. If the con ­tractor defers to its surety, even though the contractor to the full repays the surety, the surety may break up its relationship with the contractor. Once dropped by a surety, a con ­tractor normally will hold great trouble happening another surety company willing to supply a surety bond. Because surety bonds are required on most public sector undertakings and many private sec ­tor undertakings, losing a bonding beginning excludes a contractor from a big portion of the building market topographic point ( Haltenhoff 294 ) . Since it takes considerable clip, attempt, and resources to restore a building company as bindable, it is ne’er in the involvement of the company to be put in a place of defaulting on a surety. There are many types of surety bonds and three of them are signally of import to con ­struction undertaking bringing: command bonds, public presentation bonds, and labour and material bonds ( Haltenhoff 1998 ) . Haltenhoff described them as: Bid bonds replace teller ‘s cheques on undertakings where a command security is required as portion of a contractor ‘s command. The command security backs up a bidder ‘s pledge to accept a con ­tract award if offered. If the contractor refuses an award, or for some ground can non come in into the contract, an sum equal to the difference between the contractor ‘s command and the following highest command is forfeited by the contractor to the proprietor ( normally as liqui ­dated amendss ) . As liquidated amendss, the sum forfeited can non transcend the difference between the commands or the face value of the command security, whichever is less. If a command bond is provided as security, the surety is pledged to pay the difference, if the contractor fails to make so. The extent of the surety ‘s engagement is stated in the bonding papers. Performance bonds backs up an awarded contractor ‘s pledge to finish his contracted duty to the exact demands and footings of the contract paperss. In the event it is determined that the contractor will non or can non finish his obliga ­tions, the surety is pledged to accept the duty in sort for the contracted sum. The surety has several options. The contractor can be retained by the surety and be made to finish the undertaking. The surety can replace the contractor with another contractor ( s ) . The surety can pay the proprietor the face value of the public presentation bond. In either of the first two options, the outstanding sum due the contractor at the point of default is paid to the surety when earned, harmonizing to the footings of the contract. The nature and extent of the surety ‘s engagement and its specific options are stated in the public presentation bond. Labor and material payment bonds protect the proprietor from paying twice for the labour, stuffs, and services in project building. In the event a party that docs non hold a contract with the proprietor but who has one with a party that has a contract with the proprietor is non paid by the party with the contract, the party that was non paid normally has a legal right to reassign the unpaid sum to the proprietor for direct payment. Most provinces have mechanic ‘s lien Torahs that allow unpaid parties to efficaciously go co-owners of an proprietor ‘s belongings to the dollar value of the unpaid sum. To cast the co-owner ‘s fiscal rights under the lien, the proprietor must pay the sum owed, irrespective of whether or non it was antecedently paid by the proprietor to the party who owed the money to the claimant. The labour and material payment bond shifts the duty for payment to a surety, alleviating the proprietor of the claim. In some legal powers, liens against publ ic belongings are non permitted to supply the same fiscal claim chance to contractors and providers involved in public undertakings, parties who hold contracts with proprietors must supply a labour and material payment bond. The extent and footings of the surety ‘s duty is stated in the bond provided to the proprietor by the contractor. In building, contractors maintain something called an experience qualifier, which is numerical in nature. A contractors ‘ experience qualifier ( EMR ) encourages contractors to better their safety public presentation while leting the insurance industry to roll up the needed financess to pay for the losingss. The insurance premium nest eggs offered through the experience-rating program about ever outweigh the disbursal needed to better safety public presentation. In other words, safety does so pay. Owners use the EMR to estimate the safety public presentation and experience of the general contractor or premier contractor, and the general contractor uses it to estimate the safety public presentation and experience of its subcontractors. An experience qualifier of.80 agencies that the contractor will have a 20 per centum price reduction on its workers ‘ compensation premium. A contractor with an experience qualifier of 1.20 will pay a 20 per centum surcharge on its workers à ¢â‚¬Ëœ compensation premium ( Lew 1999 ) . The experience qualifier is something that is normally an of import portion of the hazard direction plan. A batch of determinations based upon analysis are focused around how they will impact the EMR. Harmonizing to J.J. Lew ( 1999 ) , an experience qualifier had the undermentioned features for a contractor: An EMR is more a contemplation of past safety public presentation than current safety public presentation. The EMR is calculated by three full old ages of paysheet and loss information, stoping one twelvemonth prior to the effectual day of the month of the qualifier. A contractor might hold experienced good safety public presentation in the past, but has let the safety procedure oversight, and will non see the effects for possibly one or two old ages. Under a traditional CCIP or OCIP, the employer ‘s experience rate is the rate the employer has with the province for that peculiar policy twelvemonth as written by its bearer of record. Under a wrap-up, one EMR evaluation is established for the full undertaking and the experience is determined by loss choices conducted by the insurance bearer that is composing the policy. This evaluation does non go with the employer — it is merely used for the wrap-up undertaking. In one case, it does go, and that is if there are subsequent stages of the same undertaking. In puting up a Controlled Insurance Program on a undertaking, it is noted that a significant sum of item is necessary in these plans. How these inside informations are administratively handled tends to order the success of the plan. If set up decently, the followers can besides be considered good due to execution of a CIP: Administrative betterments. CIP plans provide a system for tracking insurance credits, paysheets, and fiscal coverage on a building site. In add-on, certifications of insurance do non hold to be checked for each contractor at the jobsite, extinguishing the possibility of doing mistakes in look intoing the certifications of insurance for each contractor. CIP besides allows for a system for maintaining path of a contractor ‘s experience qualifier ( EMR ) . With a CIP, there is merely one certification of insurance, thereby extinguishing confusion. Improved undertaking safety. The usage of a CIP enables the operation of an efficient, cost effectual, and results-oriented safety plan. This is made possible through the usage of a co-ordinated attack to project safety, typically through the usage of a Program Safety Consultant. In add-on, smaller subcontractors may non be able to supply sophisticated loss control plans on their ain. By utilizing the CIP, the smaller subcontractors can take advantage of extremely proficient skilled safety directors and loss control forces. Proactive. CIP plans are proactive in that through better planning, belongings harm accidents can be reduced or kept from happening while still easing the timely completion of the building undertaking. Allows for competitory commands. The primary benefit that a CIP provides to an proprietor is the chance for obtaining more competitory commands for its building undertakings. This decrease in undertaking cost is made possible by liberating the contractor and all tier subcontractors from the legion and time-consuming insurance-related duties at a building site ( Lew 1999 ) . Godfrey ( 1996 ) found that the greatest grade of uncertainness is encountered early in the life of a new undertaking. Decisions taken during the earliest phases of a undertaking can hold a really big impact on its concluding cost, and continuance. Change is an ineluctable characteristic of any major capital undertaking, but its extent is often underestimated during these early stages ( Mills 246 ) . A technique frequently ignored is to avoid claims is cultivation of a good client relationship. Honesty in attack, regard for the client ‘s intelligence, grasp of the proper function of a professional advisor, and common courtesy ( replying phone calls and letters ) are possibly the best techniques to avoid claims and manage building hazards. These are non-legal considerations in add-on to other types of pull offing hazards ( Sweet 316 ) . In the terminal, the load of duty for placing hazards and covering with them remains with the party that carries the hazard. Appendix 1 contains a checklist of points to be considered in a hazard direction plan provided by the Association of General Contractors ( 2001 ) . Risk direction will non take all hazard from a building undertaking ; its chief focal point is to guarantee that hazards are managed in the most efficient mode. Undertaking directors will acknowledge that the clients must ever transport certain residuary hazards. This hazard must be analyzed in an organized and systematic manner sing the full impact of clip and cost on the undertaking. Risk direction is non intended to kill off worthwhile undertakings, or to stifle degrees of investing. It aims to guarantee that merely undertakings that are truly worthwhile are sanctioned. When using hazard direction techniques, the attitude of the director is of import and stairss should be taken to guarantee that every bit much pragmatism as possible is included in the analysis. Risk direction should be viewed as a positive procedure, and can be one of the most originative undertakings of the undertaking director. Its purpose is to bring forth realistic outlooks and increase the control of the procedure. In add-on, it can open the manner to happening advanced solutions that may non hold otherwise been considered ( Mills 251 ) . Appendix 1 Insurance/Risk Management Checklist Workers Compensation Increase employers liability bound to $ 1,000,000 Reviewed alternate evaluation programs, confined, self-insurance, deductibles, etc. Coverage applicable in all but monopolistic fund provinces Defense Base Act Voluntary compensation coverage Status of executive officers or spouses Status of United States-based employees sent outside the state Foreign employees Aircraft indorsement Repatriation disbursal United States Longshoremen ‘s and Harbor workers ‘ Compensation Act, Maritime, and Jones Act exposures Federal employers liability coverage Stop-gap employers liability coverage Workers compensation deductibles, where permitted Policy day of the months consistent with umbrella extra liability coverage Joint venture policies Checked categorizations and audits Checked overtime charges Over-controlled, contractor controlled or other wrap-up plans Experience Rating Modifier Broad signifier named insured Coverage for newly-formed entities Advance notice of cancellation by earner, 60 twenty-four hours notice of cancellation and/or non-renewal Blanket release of subrogation if required by contract Commercial General Liability ( CGL ) Happening ( CGL ) policy form— $ 1 million/ $ 2 million/ $ 2 million Omission of selected contractual liability exclusions Completed operations and merchandises liability coverage Broad signifier belongings harm coverage broadened Checked pollution coverage for jobsites Notice of happening amended No exclusion of detonation, prostration, or belowground harm Personal hurt liability coverage, take exclusion ( 4 ) Limits of liability General sum bound considerations Per undertaking sum and per locations Broad signifier named insured indorsement Blanket extra insured if required by contract Blanket release of subrogation if required by contract Verified wide signifier liability extensions included Additional insured/protective liability demands Adequate fire legal liability coverage and/or release of subrogation for harm to leased premises Verified host spirits liability coverage included Employee benefit liability coverage, bound of $ 1 million Coverage for foreign operations Policy day of the months consistent with umbrella extra liability coverage Owned or non-owned watercraft liability coverage Owned or non-owned aircraft liability coverage Limits of liability consistent with extra umbrella demands for underlying Joint venture yesteryear and nowadays Residual wrap-up coverage Coverage for newly-formed entities Advance notice of cancellation by earner, 60-day notice of cancellation/non-renewal Business Car Policy Liability coverage applicable to any car, symbol â€Å" 1 † Minimum limits— $ 1 million Check nomadic equipment against car definitions Complete and accurate agenda of cars, garage locations, coverages, and deductibles Automatic coverage for to boot acquired cars without notice to earner Automatic coverage for car physical harm Auto medical payments coverage Personal hurt protection, if desired No-fault benefits, where applicable Underinsured automobilists liability coverage Drive other auto coverage options Assigned drivers who have no personal car insurance Partnerships: Status of non-owned car coverages Additional insured ‘s: Lessors Individual named insured indorsement Auto physical harm coverage Distinct coverages and deductibles by categorizations of cars Deductibles applicable to comprehensive coverage Deductibles applicable to hit coverage Consideration of alternate deductible degrees, premiums Hired cars Foreign car exposures Politician How to cite A Study On Construction Risk Management Engineering Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Investing in Life Instead of Wealth free essay sample

Turning on the television is stereotypically a daily routine for most children. One day, turning on the television changed my life from being more than just stereotypical. This transformation occurred when I was only in the sixth grade. My novelty childhood character disappeared within a month! I no longer had time for video games; I no longer had time for sleep overs. In some instances, I no longer had time for homework! You must be wondering what I witnessed on that special day. I was as curious as you are now when I turned on the TV 6 years ago. I was at eye level less than a foot away from the screen when I pressed the power button and impatiently waited for the box screen TV to turn on. When it finally did, I became perplexed with a uniform row of numbers and acronyms passing hastily across the bottom of the screen. We will write a custom essay sample on Investing in Life Instead of Wealth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The numbers and acronyms were in a race from the left to right. Some were red, some were green, and a few were gray. It was so overwhelming that I had to stand back for a moment and take it all in. The show that I was witnessing conveyed the same similarities as a news channel, but it wasn’t quite the same. The logo was replaced with the letters â€Å"CNBC† as opposed to the usual â€Å"WCSH† (my local news channel). I rushed to find my mother so that she could explain these numbers to me because â€Å"she always knew everything†. My mother quite simply stated, â€Å"Those numbers are the stocks, Dear,† and I replied with an understanding tone, â€Å"Ohhhh!† to conceal my confusion. But on the inside, I remained deeply mystified. I was now left with yet another burning question. â€Å"What are stocks?† My mother avoided explaining the answer the same way she would have if I had asked her, â€Å"Where do babies come from?† The following nights and weeks and months, I became infatuated with the stock market. I was searching for answers to my endless tree of questions where one question would branch into another, and another. With research, determination, and a little help from Google, I soon found a steady and consistent resource for answering my questions. My infatuation slowly turned into an addiction. My mother had to work harder than ever to obtain my attendance at the dinner table, even more than she ever had to when was playing video games. But what seemed to be an addiction became my passion. Throughout middle school I drowned myself in everything stock market related. I learned the basics and wanted to put my aptitude to the test. I started out by doing virtual stock market trading and used fundamental analysis to make my investment decisions. I made profits using a fake 100k portfolio, but the gains werent enough to satisfy myself for the amount of effort I would put into it. I was on average ranking 3,800 out of 8000 or so participants and knew there was something I was doing wrong. I did extensive research and realized the top ten percent players were day trading. This concept of making small but numerous gains through intraday trading astonished me, but school was a hindrance to pursue such a task. So instead of looking forward to summer vacation with the idea of staying up all night and sleeping in all day, I looked forward to practicing day trading. High School is when I started to gain a reputation for being the â€Å"Stock Kid† or the â€Å"Stock Aficionado†. During my junior year, I maintained my high school’s winning streak in the Stock Market Game hosted by SIFMA. During the summer thereafter, I participated in another stock market game hosted by the University of Dallas at Texas. Jared Pickens, the coordinator of the competition, even commented that I made more trades in a single week than he has in his entire life. During the competition I maintained first place for a substantial amount of time during the nine week challenge. My downfall which earned me fourth place was that I hit the limit of a maximum of 200 trades. But nonetheless it was a learning experience, and one never forgotten. I not only earned the fourth place title but also the opportunity to visit the UTD campus and Mr.Pickens in person. My visit was a memorable one and hopefully not my last.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

muslim vs christanity Essays - Prophets Of Islam,

Christianity and Islam are two of the world?s largest religions. The two are different in beliefs but are similar in origin. Like many religions both Islam and Christianity claim to be the one and only true way to God. Although Islam and Christianity differ in major ways, they also share some similarities. Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God or ?Allah? and live according to His revealed Law. Being a Muslim requires willful submission and active obedience to God and living in accordance with His message. Conversely, Christianity does not teach absolute submission to God, but teaches that man is sinful and can never inherit eternal life in the presence of God as a result of the sins of our first parents, Adam and Eve, as well as our own personal sin. Therefore it became necessary for God to become man in the person of Jesus Christ, who as the Son of God was sinless and unblemished. His purpose was to suffer and die in atonement for the sins of all whom accept his sacrifice for sin. Throughout History there has been some conflict between both religions, one of the major events is called the Crusades. The First Crusade was from 1096 to 1099. They were Christian military expeditions and religous wars proclaimed by the people. The purpose of the Crusades was to gain and keep control over Palestine from the Muslims. Palestine was also called the Holy Land because Jesus lived there. Alexius Compenus was a new ruler that came into power in Byzantium in 1081. Constentinople was in danger because the Turks threatened them, so Alexius first called for help to Pope Urban ll who presented a ten-day meeting telling people about Alexius's problem and that they needed to go to war with the Turks, which led to the first Crusade. The Crusades were organized mostly to recover or defend territories that Christians strongly beleived belonged to them by right, such as "The Holy Land." Palestine lay along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea, and Muslims had taken control of it from the Christians. In the first Crusade, Christians recaptured Palestine, but in the later Crusades, they fought to protect Palestine or recover parts of it that had been lost to Muslim forces. After reviewing documents of crusaders it is easy to see that most went to battle because they were easily persuaded to do anything for God, they felt a true hatred for the others, as well as the sense of importance and nobility the soldiers gained from going to battle. Crusades played a major role in the High Middle Ages and even though they were not terribly successful, they still are very famous historical figures. This act of God was to help deal with the internal and external conflict that the Roman Church was having in trying to remain in power. However, it also displays that people of this time were very susceptible to persuasion and even propaganda. This period of time truly emphasizes how far people will go in order to obtain power.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Investigatory Project Essay Example

Investigatory Project Essay Example Investigatory Project Essay Investigatory Project Essay Natural Mosquito Repellant A Science Research Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Science And Technology I Melvin T. Magsayo March 2012 ABSTRACT This research entitled NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLANT conducted by KAYE ANGELLIE C. NAPIGKIT of Lanao Chung Hua School. One problem of today especially with regards to health is the disease caused by mosquito. Mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies, the Culicidae. It is said to be the most dangerous species on earth. It carries virus that can cause malaria and dengue. Dengue is transmitted by everal species of mosquito within the genus Aedes. And to get rid of this species, Splash Corporation invented of a mosquito repellent (Off Lotion) to drive away mosquito. The researcher would like to come up with an alternative repellent that is as effective as off lotion or better in a natural way. Moreover, the researcher also with this, the researcher investigated which between off lotion and the researchers experiment is better in driving away mosquitoes. THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study Mosquitoes have complex methods of detecting hosts and different types of osquitoes react to different stimuli. Most mosquitoes are active at down and dusk, but there are also mosquitoes that seek hosts during the day. To avoid being bitten, make sure that you arent attracting mosquitoes, using attractants to lure mosquitoes elsewhere, using repellent and avoiding act, ions that diminish the effectiveness of the repellent. Garlic is an important medicinal herb that is readily available everywhere, unlike some of the other herbs. Garlic does indeed have scientifically- proven medicinal properties. It contains a substance called Allicin, which has anti- acterial properties that are equivalent to weak penicillin. It appears that cooked garlic weakens the anti-bacterial effects considerably. Garlic is sometimes used for athletes Foot, ear infections, HIV support, vaginitis and yeast infection, with less supportive data. Garlic is considered a topical antibiotic, but it is unclear if garlic possesses any antibiotic activity when taken internally. Scope and Limitation This study will be conducted in the residence of the researcher. The subject of this study is to test the effectiveness of garlic as a natural mosquito repellant. The garlic hat will be used for this study will be taken from the researchers residence. Objective of the Study This study seeks the effectiveness of Garlic as a natural mosquito repellant. Specially this intends to: 1. Know how effective is the garlic as a mosquito repellant 2. Suggest to people a garlic as a mosquito repellant Culicidae a family of slender, Orthorrhaphous dipteran insects in the series having long legs and piercing mouthparts. Stimuli a detectable Nematocera change in the internal or external environment. Foliage an ornamental presentation of leaves, stems, and flowers, especially in architecture. Lactic Acid is a chemical compound that plays a role in various biochemical processes. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Gathering of Materials These are the things needed in making the Natural Mosquito Repellant, First is the Garlic that can be found in the market. Second is the oil that can be found also in the market. Third is the small bowl that can be found in the researchers residence. Fourth is the Pyrex Ware that can be found also in the researchers residence. Preparing the Materials and Equipment Smashing the Garlic, Washing the small bowl and Pyrex Ware, Boiling the water. Making the Garlic Oil First smashed the garlic. Second put the smashed garlic into a small bowl with oil. Third pour some hot water in the Pyrex ware and place the small bowl. Fourth wait RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results Mosquito Repellents Implications Off Lotion The mosquito repellent was effective. There were mosquitoes but less than mosquitoes without Off lotion. Garlic Oil There were still mosquitoes but fewer than those with off lotion. Discussion The first row shows that using off lotion is effective mosquito repellent rather than not applying off lotion. But compared to Garlic oil mosquito repellent, there were still mosquitoes but fewer compared to those with off lotion. Between the two repellents, garlic oil mosquito repellent is much effective than off lotion. SUMMARY had many mosquitoes, while the water with Garlic Oil had fewer mosquitoes. RECOMMENDATION The Garlic Oil is recommended because it protects us from malaria and dengue. This mosquito repellent is effective because there would be less mosquito bites. It is not expensive because the materials that can be used in making the mosquito repellent can be found at home.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Link Between Employee Engagement and Organization Performance Literature review

The Link Between Employee Engagement and Organization Performance - Literature review Example From the research it can be comprehended that Employees Engagement is all about obtaining workers to ‘give it their all’. Employee engagement is a vast build that touches almost every areas of HRM. If all part of HR is not addressed in proper way, employees fail to completely engage themselves in their work in the reply to such kind of mismanagement. It is also stronger forecaster of positive organizational performance obviously demonstrating the two-way relationship among employer and worker compared to the three previous constructs: workers dedication, job satisfaction and organizational residency behavior. HRM is increasingly measured a contemporary expansion that carries on to reshape employment relations. An endeavor is made to believe it an instrument that may have successfully replaced other type’s management customs like Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. Another driver is to examine a bundle of most excellent practices for example high dedicat ion management and their impact on employment relations. What ever the route HRM remains a current but evolving science coping with complex beings, and in complex companies and surroundings. â€Å"Within the HRM tradition, HRM is strategy-focused and central to the corporate plan in the planning perspective. In the people management perspective, HRM views people as social capital, capable of being developed and committed at work†.... (Elizabeth 2008). â€Å"HRM us where by the management of people is read-off the broader objective of the organization† (Marchington & Wilkinson 2005. p. 5). Many contestants signified that they practice health-related struggle resulting from the stress they experience at job. The reasons behind the job stress of the employees in the organizations are conflict among work and family responsibilities, technical advance and regular interactions among the consumer and service industry. The symptoms of job stress are, physical illness, depression, family conflict, lack of mental concentration, anxiety, extreme anger, absenteeism, frustration, and stress. (Elizabeth 2008). Worker Burnout: It is emotional overtiredness and detachment from job. Pprofessionals as well as workers are affected by this phenomenon. Various causes that may lead to the worker burnout in the current HRM in organizations are, lack of family support and community support, lack of balance in work and life, lack of time for hobbies, and finally the workers are pushed to time limits by the company. (What Is Employee Burnout? 2009). â€Å"Burnout can be symptomatic of larger issues affecting staff morale, but there are simple ways to alleviate these realities that are cost-effective and sustainable. Keep in mind that there is no magic wand here and that material solutions are not always the best approach to addressing employee burnout† (Poland 2011). Safety: Safety deals with the condition of being safe in the organizations. It also consists of protection of people or possessions. Safety aspects of the individuals in the organizations are one of the major issues faced by the companies in the current HRM. Various ways to improve the safety in the organizations are, making

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The role of religious thought and influence on the development of Term Paper

The role of religious thought and influence on the development of Western art and culture - Term Paper Example Other artists (or even the same artist at a different time) may even try to conceal their religious identity in their artwork, but at times it may still be evident and thus influential. As such, there are many examples of religious thought within the realm of Western art and culture, and these may come from less than obvious sources. The most populous religion in the Western world is Christianity, and it is true that this religion has had a large influence on Western art of all types. However, it would be wrong to assume that this is the only religion or religious movement that has exerted its effects on culture, as Islam and Eastern religions have travelled to the West and left their mark. Additionally, new religious movements can also be felt within some more contemporary examples of artistry, and these will be explored throughout this paper. The thesis is that art will prove to have been heavily influenced by several religious traditions throughout the ages and Christianity will p rove to be more influential than most within the context of Western art and culture. ... hristianity has had on Western culture (rather the opposite), rebelling against the religion is still an important effect and as such these works will be discussed also. One of the most famous artists of the Renaissance period was Leonardo da Vinci, and he produced a number of paintings that reflect Christian ideology. Some of the most famous of these are The Last Supper, Virgin of the Rocks and Baptism of Christ, all of which were painted at the latter end of the 15th century (Janson & Janson, 2004) These works continue to have an astounding presence within the culture of today, and Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most mysterious and intriguing artists of this time, not least because some of his Christian based works seem to mask areligious messages. Many artists have cited da Vinci as an inspiration, meaning that these works continue to have a message today. Another figure within the Renaissance art world was Machiavelli, who was a political philosopher who created numerous works o f poetry and literature. Interestingly, Machiavelli was a humanist and did not officially follow Christianity. However, given the religious climate at the time, Christianity indubitably affected the writing of Machiavelli, despite much of it being reactionary, and as such this can be classified as a lasting effect that Christianity has had on literature (Virolli, 1998). Although this was a time in which many pieces of art were for the Church or felt the need to appease the Church, there are other times in which Christianity has had an effect on art and culture in the West. For example, within modern times, a lot of work has been of an atheist nature, but many artists do still produce images in a religious vein. For example, Henri Matisse, a prolific French painter, produced a stained-glass

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal - Essay Example The author made references to similar instances which apparently happened and documented through the experiment conducted by Philip G. Zimbardo, a psychology professor at Stanford University. Likewise, the reasons for the change in behavior were likewise supported through another set of experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram, which were discussed extensively in the article entitled â€Å"Perils of Obedience† published in Harper’s in 1973. Using these resources, the current discourse hereby asserts that the behavior of the American guards could be explained from the findings of experiments espoused by Zimbardo and Milgram. Analysis of the Situation To enable one to effectively respond to the question, there is a need to establish an examination of the situation that led these American soldiers to act viciously. As noted by Szegedy-Maszak (2004), â€Å"while many theories have been advanced about the forces that tragically came together at Abu Ghraib--inadequate traini ng, overzealous intelligence gathering, failure of leadership--none can adequately account for the hardening of heart necessary for such sadism† (p. 174). The article written by Jehl and Schmitt (2004) and published in The New York Times provided a more vivid scenario that presented conditions that set the stage for the apparent sadistic behavior. According to the authors, the members of the military police battalion who were sent to Iraq to serve as prison guards were untrained, unprepared, and completely inexperienced in this particular endeavor. Likewise, the Abu Ghraib prison was described as to detain as much as 7,000 prisoners, from an initial capacity of 2,000; which contributed to increasingly chaotic conditions, difficulties in overseeing, and effecively controlling security conditions. It was revealed that â€Å"in Abu Ghraib the soldiers suddenly found themselves under attack virtually every night from insurgents outside the prison† (Jehl & Schmitt: A trouble d unit, 2004, par. 19). The threat was reported to necessitate the infusion of military intelligence officers. These officers were noted to be the ultimate source of abuse. Factors that Explain the Behavior of American Guards In Zimbardo’s experiments, it was explicitly noted that abuses and atrocities actually ensued from the very power that was accorded to the students, enacting the security guards’ roles. As emphasized, from initially starting as ensuring that â€Å"they must maintain ‘law and order’ in this prison, that they were responsible for handling any trouble that might break out, and they were cautioned about the seriousness and potential dangers of the situation they were about to enter† (Zimbardo, 1973, p. 41), the presence of the following factors were actually evident and similar to the Abu Ghraib prison: (1) power to maintain law and order; (2) imminent threats from prisoners or from external sources of chaos that could endanger the ir lives; (3) the apparent need to conform to the norms of society in terms of responding to the social pressures of the prison environment; and, likewise, (4) the natural response for the application of forms of sadism, to purportedly control prisoners or make them submit to the orders given, with or without justifiable rationales. Using the experiment conducted by Milgram (1973), one could evaluate that the power of obedience was expected to have been ingrained in every individual’s being; and thereby, prison guards who are expected to be followed with regards to orders being directed to prisoners, resort to the authority and powers vested in them, to inflict whatever action is deemed necessary to enable their subjects to react and respond, as directed. As

Friday, November 15, 2019

Land Degradation In The Nile River Basin Environmental Sciences Essay

Land Degradation In The Nile River Basin Environmental Sciences Essay Per capita availability is generally calculated by dividing total annual renewable water resources with population. While this could provide an accurate picture for countries with no dependency on external water resources, it does not provide an accurate depiction for countries with trans-boundary water resources. Taking into account the dependency ratio of the countries provides a much more realistic depiction of future water resources. For instance, Uganda has a 40.9% dependency ratio for its total annual renewable water resources (Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, DRC and Kenya contribute runoff into Lake Victoria). This will be impacted when increased water demand in upstream nations results in reduced water runoffs into Uganda. Egypt which originally had a 98% dependency ratio has been able to bring down its dependency by increasing alternate water resources but still has a 76% dependency ratio (55.5 BCM out of 73 BCM). Chapter 4 Land degradation is one of the challenges faced by several countries in the Nile River Basin. Land degradation comprises of any negative or undesirable change in the texture, content, moisture of land due to a combination of natural hazards and man-made activities. The African continent is characterized by 46% of extreme desert and 11% of land mass that is humid. Presently, in Africa around 250 million people are directly affected by land degradation while, worldwide 1 billion people in 100 countries are at risk of land degradation. The causes of land degradation are a combination of changes in the natural ecosystem, and the impact of the human social system, including human use and abuse of sensitive and vulnerable dry land ecosystems. Land Degradation in the Nile River Basin In Rwanda, around 71% of total land area is facing severe degradation and about 60% of its forest cover has been lost in the last two decades partly due to genocide, displacement and repatriation. Similarly, more than 30% of Burundi is severely or very severely degraded. In Tanzania, widespread land degradation is found in the highlands, especially on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Kenya faced about 30% land degradation in 2002 and around one third of its population was directly dependent on degraded land by 2008. Also, land degradation is widespread in Kenya, affecting 20% of all cultivated areas, 30% of forests, and 10% of grasslands. Uganda faces land degradation and erosion covering 60% of its total land area, the majority of which is in the highlands of the South-west. Ethiopia also faces land degradation mostly in its highlands, especially in the Amhara region. It is estimated that Ethiopia loses 4% of its GDP due to land degradation. In Sudan, approximately 1,200,000 km2 of land has degraded in varying degrees. The most degraded zones are the arid and semi-arid regions in the Northern half of Sudan where 76% of the countrys population resides. In Egypt, the North-western delta faces highest degradation due to contamination and increased salinity. Common Causes of Land Degradation in the Nile River Basin Some of the causes for land degradation in the Nile River Basin are as follows: Population Pressure: Growing population in the Nile River Basin countries puts immense pressure on land and its resources leading to severe degradation and reduced outputs. For instance, the majority of the population in Egypt and Burundi, 98% and 58% respectively, live in the Nile Basin. In Kenya, 70% of the population lives in 12% of the countrys land area which is suitable for rain-fed cultivation, thereby putting immense stress on its resources. Deforestation: The most common cause for land degradation in the Nile River Basin is deforestation. To adhere to the needs of growing population, forests are cleared and there is immense pressure on its resources. In Rwanda, the forest area was reduced to 4700 km2 from 7000 km2 post the genocide in 1994. Deforestation also took place due to increased need for wood to construct makeshift shelters for displaced people and for cooking. Bushfires have also become common especially in the dry seasons in the Eastern and South-eastern regions of Umutara, Kibungo and Bugesera. In Burundi, the rate of deforestation in high due to increased dependency on wood for fuel. The forest cover declined from 11.3% in 1990 to 5.9% in 2005. In Tanzania, deforestation is severe in areas populated with refugee populations. Also, wild fire is common in its grasslands. Between 1990 and 2005, Uganda lost one-third of its forest area due to deforestation. It is estimated that at this rate, Uganda will not have any forests by 2055. Uganda loses around $ 200 million annually due to deforestation. Deforestation is a major factor for land degradation in Ethiopia. While the forests once covered 65% of the country and 90% of the highlands in Ethiopia, by 2001 they were reduced to 2.2% and 5.6% respectively. The Blue Nile basin faces such severe deforestation that very little forest cover remains in the region. The forest coverage fell from 16% to 2% in the 1980s itself. Over Grazing: The demand for livestock is high in the Nile River Basin. Cattle farming leads to over grazing in fertile lands, depleting its quality and productivity. In Rwanda, over grazing is observed in range-lands especially in the North-west parts of Umutara. In Tanzania, over grazing is witnessed mostly in the Lake Victoria Zone and parts of Northern Tanzania. Over grazing accounts for 75% of the total degraded land in Sudan. In Uganda, the cattle corridor has most of its land degraded due to over grazing from Moroto and Kotido in the North-east through Luwero and South to Masaka and Mbarara. Leaving aside the North, most of the Corridor is seriously degraded. Lack of Awareness: Improper farming practices, poor soil management policies due to lack of awareness also lead to land degradation in the Nile River Basin. For instance in Rwanda, only 36.6% of the total land had soil protection structures in 2005 as compared to 83% in 1998. Climate Change: Climate change is another factor due to which there is immense land degradation. Increasing instances of floods and droughts lead to wide spread land degradation. There are various forms of land degradation. These include Soil erosion and sedimentation Surface runoff and floods Desertification and loss of natural vegetation Sand encroachments Sedimentation and Soil Erosion Sedimentation has three stages. It starts with soil erosion which is essentially the removal of top soil which is then transported and deposited in different locations depending upon the flow of water or wind or gravity. Some of the causes of sedimentation include deforestation which reduces water retention thereby increasing soil erosion; floods and droughts; and changes in river flow. Sedimentation in the Nile River Basin is witnessed the most in the Nile Equatorial Region, Blue Nile catchment and the coastal belts. Wide spread deforestation has a detrimental impact on the sedimentation levels in the Nile Equatorial Lakes and leads to increasing soil erosion. The siltation of the Nile Equatorial Lakes if combined with unusually high rainfall could lead to a rise in the lake levels which could in turn lead to flooding. The key problem sites for soil erosion in the Lake Victoria Basin are the Kagera River and the Nyando River in Kenya. Due to its topography and torrential rainfall, the Blue Nile catchment faces high rates of sedimentation as compared to the White Nile, whose sedimentation is largely retained in the Equatorial Lakes and the Sudd region. While the Nile catchment runoff is estimated at a low rate of 5.5%, the ratio of the runoff of the Blue Nile catchment on its own is 20%. Sedimentation has a negative effect on reservoirs built along the Nile River Basin. It clogs the area thereby reducing the amount of water that can be stored. Rwanda Around 40% of land in Rwanda is at high risk of erosion, 37% requires soil retention measures before cultivation, and only 23% is erosion free. Data from field research stations report soil losses between 35 246 tonnes per hectare annually, amounting to losses costing about 3.5% of Rwandas agricultural GDP. The Nyamitera River delivers 567,000 tonnes of particles in a matter of five flood days to Rwanda, of which more than half is the annual suspended sediment yield of its Nile Basin region. Increasing use of land for tea cultivation is also leading to sedimentation in Rwanda. The Mulindi tea plantation in Gicumbi district uses fertilizers that cause soil degradation, water pollution and deforestation, which in turn results in soil erosion, floods and sedimentation in the valley. Burundi Deforestation, over grazing and agricultural expansion into marginal lands are the main factors leading to soil erosion in Burundi. The sediment yield of Burundi and its contribution to the Nile basin is presently unavailable. Sedimentation causes many problems in Burundi including blocking inlet channels of pump irrigation schemes, clogging hydropower turbine areas, corroding pumps among others. Tanzania The main type of erosion witnessed in the Lake Victoria Basin in Tanzania is sheet erosion where a uniform thin layer of top soil is washed away. In Tanzania, 61% of land area faces soil erosion with a topsoil loss of 100 tonnes per hectare per annum. Highest soil loss within the Lake Victoria Basin is from cropland which loses 93 tonnes per hectare annually, followed by rangeland losing 52 tonnes per hectare each year. Additionally, there has been soil loss in Shinyanga, Dodoma, Morogoro, and Arusha. Also, Kagera Basin is vulnerable to soil erosion and leaching of nutrients due to its high population and poverty levels. The Masalatu Reservoir constructed on Simiyu River receives an annual sedimentation yield of 406 m3/ km2 or 1.43 tonnes per hectare. Kenya The Nyanza province bordering Lake Victoria is undergoing rapid catchment deterioration due to frequent droughts, deforestation and old agricultural practices. This results in Kenyas high sedimentation load contribution to Lake Victoria Basin through its tributaries. 61% of the basin area contributes to soil sedimentation at a rate of 43 tonnes per hectare each year, whereas the rest of the basin forms a sink area where sediments are collected. Due to high sedimentation on the bed, the rivers Nyando, Nzoia and Sondu, and other tributaries emptying into Lake Victoria are prone to flooding. Surface runoff in wet season causes sheet, rill and gully erosion. Wind causes erosion in dry season. Nyando River experiences severe gully erosion due to heavy water runoff. The removal of the top soil is very high ranging from 90 tonnes per hectare annually in degraded areas, to 67 tonnes per hectare elsewhere. Uganda Major source of soil erosion to the Lake Victoria Basin is the Kibale River at 0.06 tonnes per hectare annually. Runoff in sub-catchment of Bukora is the main reason for causing soil erosion. Soil loss rates are the highest on bare soils, followed by annually cultivated land, degraded range lands and perennially cultivated land. Lake Albert is also under threat of siltation due to inflows from Kyoga Nile, as well as Semliki River which carries sedimentation from DRC. It is estimated that 4% 12% of GNP is lost from environmental degradation, of which 85% is through soil erosion, nutrient loss and crop changes. Also, the rate of soil fertility depletion in Uganda is one of the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia There is high erosion in the Ethiopian Highlands. Around 1900 million tonnes of soil is eroded annually at an average of 100 tonnes per hectare. Also, up to one billion tonnes of top soil is lost each year. The Highlands face severe types of soil erosion including sheet, rill, gully and wind. It also witnesses stream bank erosion, biological, physical and chemical degradation Blue Nile is the major contributor of sedimentation during the flood season, contributing approximately 125 million tonnes, while the Atbara contributes roughly 50 million tonnes. The flows of the Blue Nile are unregulated until they arrive in Sudan leading to an enormous amount of sedimentation at the Roseires Dam. With increased deforestation and agricultural activities along the banks of the Blue Nile, there is a substantial amount of debris added to the flow which is carried downstream. The proportion of runoff to sedimentation is higher for the Atbara River which is due to its geographic location in a drier region than the Blue Nile and also due to a relatively longer period of dry season followed by heavy rainfall in a relatively short period. Sedimentation peaks three weeks before rainfall peaks as rainfall washes away soil loosened due to loss of moisture during the dry season. A decline in crop yields has been witnessed at a rate of 1 to 3% on cropland and 2.2% in Ethiopian highlands. It is estimated that the cost of land degradation due to soil erosion to Ethiopia could be about $2 billion in 25 years or $80 million each year. About 80% of the losses are from reduced crop production and 20% from reduced livestock production. Soil nutrient depletion reduces crop production by 885,330 tonnes annually amounting to losses of around 14% of agricultural contribution to Ethiopian GDP. Sudan Soil erosion is leading to rapid siltation and loss of functionality of reservoirs and irrigation schemes in Sudan. The small reservoirs get silted quicker. Irrigation schemes are witnessing major damage due to siltation which is leading to a reduction in water transported to crop lands. For instance, crop water requirements are no longer met in the Gezira and Rahad irrigation schemes. River band erosion along the Blue Nile River has been witnessed with most affected areas lying downstream of Roseires Dam, Singa to AlSuki. River widening in the region also leads to bank erosion where irrigable land is lost as has been witnessed in the main Nile and Atbara River sections. Around $1.5 million worth of economic losses have been witnessed via the loss of mature date palm trees as a direct result of bank erosion. Egypt The Nile Bank is witnessing bank erosion due to the corrosive action of sediment free waters as witnessed in Sudan past Roseires Dam. Agricultural land is depleting at a rate of 13,000 hectares on an annual basis due to bank erosion. Increase in coastal erosion and extensive erosion of the Nile Delta is being witnessed due to lack of sedimentation and increase in salinity levels. Sedimentation in Reservoirs Sedimentation is the single greatest problem reservoirs face in maintaining their functionality for water storage, as well as for hydropower generation. Hydropower generation is reduced during peak sedimentation periods as debris gets caught in the turbines and need to be shut down for cleaning. Sedimentation stuck in the cooling mechanism of the hydropower plant leads to loss of efficiency in energy generation and also requires shutdown for repair. Also, silt adds to the wear and tear of the plant which decreases the lifespan of the machinery, depending on the abrasiveness of the mineral content in the silt. Hydropower generation is often stalled during floods to clean turbines and prevent damage resulting in very low power generation during flood season. Sedimentation also leads to reduced water storage capacity which results in less water for irrigation and cost of construction to raise the dam to maintain storage capacity. Currently, the cost of clearing sedimentation is prohibitive at $625 million ($5 to clear 1 m3 of silt, about 125 MCM is being cleared per year). Roseires Dam The primary mandate of the Roseires Dam is to ensure that runoff levels are maintained to meet irrigation and water storage requirements. The Roseires Dam is losing considerable parts of dead water storage capacity, as well as live storage capacity. In 1966, its storage capacity was 3,329 MCM which has been reduced to 1,920.89 MCM as of 2007, leading to a 37% decrease in storage capacity. The Roseires Dams height has been elevated in order to mitigate losses in functionality and another elevation project is being currently discussed. Aswan High Dam in Egypt Aswan High Dam has 100% trap efficiency of sedimentation which means that waters are almost perfectly sediment-free beyond the Aswan High Dam. Sedimentation transported to the reservoir and deposited there is practically negligible from December to June, peaking from July to September, reducing in October and November to none in December. Aswan High Dam is losing considerable part of live storage capacity, as opposed to dead storage capacity which was designed to absorb sedimentation. The reservoirs total operational span has been reduced to 362 years from an initial estimate of 500 years as a result of sedimentation. Desertification The African continent, with the Sahara desert in the North and the Sahelian belt below, is vulnerable to desertification. This condition is exemplified with increasing instances of drought and famines. The causes of desertification are complex, including both direct and indirect factors such as: Cultivation, inappropriate agricultural practices and overgrazing Unsustainable animal husbandry and pastoralism Climate change including reduced rainfall Population growth pressures Poor land use and management practices Lack of soil and water conservation structures; Removal and loss of vegetation; Deforestation and land clearing; Total dependency on natural resources for survival; Human activities comprising technological agents (water pumps, boreholes, dams) and institutional mechanisms and policies. Desertification in the Nile River Basin East and South-east regions of Rwanda show increasing desertification trends due to increase in population and migration leading to over exploitation and degradation of land. People from densely populated provinces in the North, for instance Ruhengiri, Gisenyi and Byumba, and Butare and Gitarama in the South, are moving towards the least populated provinces in the East including Umutara, Kibungo, Kigali and Ngali in the South East. In Burundi, the area of Imbo witnesses long dry spells leading to a gradual decrease in water resources, especially in the levels of Lake Tanganyika with a tendency towards desertification. Since 1999, there has been a strong variability of rainfall with a tendency for a long dry season from May to October (6 months) in the lower altitude outlying areas like Kumoso, Bugesera, and Imbo. In Tanzania, the main reason for desertification is expanding agriculture rather than overgrazing by pastoralists. Around 33% of Tanzania is affected by desertification. The coastal areas face pressure from intensive cultivation and fuel wood gathering. In Kenya, 80% of its area is estimated to be threatened by desertification with up to 30% of the population affected by desertification and drought. Drought and increasing population are key factors that enhance desertification in Kenya. The Nyika Plateau and the Coastal Region are affected and threatened most by desertification. Also, the woodlands are prone to drought and desertification, primarily due to slash and burn methods of land preparation. Kenyas drylands occupy 88% of the land surface area, and have a population of 10 million people. Approximately 50% of livestock and 70% of wildlife are located in these drylands. In Uganda, the North-east, especially the Cattle Corridor has been witnessing overgrazing, soil compaction, erosion and the emergence of low-value grass species and vegetation which have subdued the lands productive capacity, leading to desertification. Some dryland districts like Moroto, Nakasongola, Karamoja and Kakuuto in Rakai are experiencing desertification. Around 71% of Ethiopian land is prone to desertification including its highlands and lowlands. The Rift Valley suffers immense desertification and land degradation. Desertification threatens Ethiopias agricultural productivity, wherein more than 80% of the population depends on various forms of agricultural production. Also, 95% of the farms are small-scale and depend on rain-fed agriculture. Ethiopia suffers a loss of $139 million per year due to reduced agricultural productivity. Sudan and parts of Egypt are more prone to desertification in the Nile River Basin. Egypt has experienced accelerated desertification of rangelands in the last few decades. Presently, 45% of rangelands are severely degraded, 35% are fair, 15% are good, and 5% are excellent. It is reported that 11,000 hectares of land has been lost due to desertification. Parts of Western Egypt fall into the Sahara and are hot and dry areas which are extending into the mainland. Increasing evaporation has also led to drying out of one of the Toshka Lakes. Egypt witnesses various forms of desertification such as: Degradation of irrigated farmland due to low quality water in irrigation Degradation of rain-fed farmland (Northern coastal belt and Northern Sinai) Degradation of rangeland (Northern coastal belt) through overgrazing, plant covers degradation Sand Encroachments from the Western desert on the Nile Valley land (Southern Egypt) and on the High Aswan Dam reservoir (in Egypt and Sudan). Desertification in Sudan In terms of desertification, Sudan is the largest and most seriously affected country in Africa. The arid and semi-arid lands cover an area of 1.78 million km2, constituting around 72% of the total area of the country. There is moderate to severe land degradation in the desert and semi-arid regions in the Northern half of Sudan. The Western part of Sudan (in the Sahel region) is most prone to drought and increasing desertification, especially the states of Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum and Kassala. The total desertification between Darfur and Kordofan is 22% i.e. 200,000 km2. A decline in precipitation has caused a stress factor on pastoral societies in these two regions, thereby contributing to conflict. There is a very strong link between land degradation, desertification and conflict in Darfur. In northern Darfur, increasing population growth, lack of resources and environmental stress led to conflicts which were further sustained by political, tribal or ethnic differences. As a consequence of desertification in Darfur, there has been increased mortality due to famine and disease, a decrease in total water and land availability, quality of water and land (including fertility), production of major staple foods, and deaths of domestic animals. It is estimated that since the 1930s, there has been around 50 to 200 km Southward shift of the boundary between semi-desert and desert. This boundary is expected to continue to move Southwards due to declining precipitation. The remaining semi-desert and low rainfall savannah, which represent 25% of Sudans agricultural land, are at considerable risk of further desertification and could lead to a 20% drop in food production. Sand Encroachment Instances of desert encroachment in Sudan are increasing, whereby the entire strip of the country along the Nile especially between Delgo and Karima in Northern Sudan is threatened. Sand dunes on the Eastern bank of River Nile in Sudan and encroachments in North-central regions can threaten the rivers course. Sand encroachment is also affecting the productivity of soil which has been witnessed extensively in the Gezira scheme and also in some areas of North Kordofan, North Darfur and Kannar in the Northern State, Sudan. In the Dongola-Merowe region of Sudan, the area covered by sand dunes increased from 51.2 km2 to 61.2 km2 between 1976 and 1996 and decreased to 35.1 km2 in 2000. This decrease could be attributed to an increase in the area covered by gravel and/or coarse sand. In Egypt, active sand dunes and encroachments occupy more than 16.6% of the countrys total land area. Sand encroachment in Egypt is further enhanced by the erratic rainfall, active winds, and scarcity of plant cover. Some inactive sand accumulations have been noticed in the Eastern side of the Nile delta and in the Sinai Peninsula. Types of Desertification Processes Underway in Sudan Climate-based conversion of land types from semi-desert to desert The least drought resistant vegetation fails to survive and reproduce. For instance, in Northern Darfur and Northern Kordofan, this is manifest in the widespread death of trees during drought events which are not followed by recovery. The desert climate is estimated to move Southward by approximately 100 km over 40 years. Degradation of existing desert environments, including wadis and oases At least 29% of Sudan is desert, within which there are hundreds of smaller wetter regions resulting from localized rainfall catchments, rivers and groundwater flows. It was discovered that all these areas were moderately to severely degraded, primarily due to deforestation, overgrazing and erosion. Conversion of land types from semi-desert to desert by human action Activities such as deforestation, overgrazing and cultivation result in habitat conversion to desert, even though rainfall may be sufficient to support semi-desert vegetation. One of the problems is the conversion of dry and fragile rangelands into traditional and mechanized cropland. Chapter 5 Water Quality Several factors pollute Nile waters, in particular faecal coliform bacterial contamination caused by lack of sanitation facilities and a high dependence on pit latrines, leading to presence of animal and human waste alongside open water bodies. Additionally, agricultural fertilizers and pesticides discharge high concentrations of nutrients and phosphates that runoff and leak into ground and surface water. Also, chemical pollution from industrial waste, mining activities and domestic sewage are released into water bodies without any effective wastewater treatment. Furthermore, sedimentation and siltation caused by deforestation, land degradation and soil erosion impact overall water quality. Lastly, poor planning practices, weak infrastructure and inadequate wastewater treatment systems add to the untreated water discharge. Some of the impacts of water pollution are death and destruction, loss of livelihood and income, and health hazards. The problem with a transboundary water resource in terms of water quality is that, polluted water from one area flows into the other area. This is specially witnessed in the Lake Victoria Basin. Water Hyacinth is another transboundary issue between the countries as it has a tendency of spreading fast and also leads to increased evaporation. Pollutant loads are washed away along with runoff and sedimentation loads which lead to water quality deterioration further downstream, rendering it non-viable for drinking purposes. Rwanda The main sources of water pollution are domestic, commercial, industrial, agriculture, water hyacinth and mismanagement of wetlands. Due to increased population and agricultural practices, inadequate sanitation facilities, there is an extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides. Also, wastewater from rural towns and villages containing faecal pollution are left untreated, giving rise to water borne diseases. In River Nyabugogo, there have been high rates of Iodine at 7.62m per litre. Additionally, there are large concentrations of Copper at 1.3mg per litre, Fluoride at 1.85mg per litre, Ammonia at 1.7mg per litre and Sodium at 105.3mg per litre. Also, Hexavalent Chromium was found ranging between 0.09 to 0.28 ÃŽÂ ¼g per litre. Although the Rwandan Ministry of Lands, Environment, Forest, Water Mines (MINITERE) and ELECTROGAZ have laboratories in place for water monitoring, the data is insufficient. The water drinking standards have been defined but have not been adopted yet. As a result of eutrophication by water hyacinth and agricultural pressure, Lakes Mihindi and Muhazi in Southern Rwanda are diminishing in size. Burundi There are several types of water pollution including bacteriological pollution from animal waste, organic pollution due to waste effluent from coffee processing plants, and industrial pollution via chemical fertilizers such as nitrates, phosphates and pesticides. Some of the causes of pollution are high demographic density, lack of latrines and waste dumping, and mining activities resulting in discharge of heavy metals and arsenic, especially in River Kanyarus tributary, Nowgere. Bujumbura accounts for 90% of industries in Burundi. However, data regarding industrial pollution is unavailable and not much has been achieved in monitoring and managing water quality due to under-resourcing of laboratories. Tanzania The water quality in Tanzania is affected by natural factors and human activities. The former comprises high fluoride concentrations and salinity in natural waters. The latter includes discharge of municipal and industrial wastewater, run-off from agricultural lands, and erosion encompassing high concentrations of nutrients, pathogens, BOD and COD levels. Additionally, gold mines in the Lake Victoria Basin consist of heavy metal pollution. Tanzania has no comprehensive national program for monitoring the quality of water or pollution even though water utility companies are required by law to monitor the water source and quality of water they supply. Kenya Water pollution in Kenya is caused by point and non-point sources such as agricultural activity, urbanization, industry, leachates from solid waste tips, sediments, salts, fertilizers and pesticide residues. Additionally, municipal sewerage plants discharge untreated wastewater into surface watercourses, causing significant health hazards and localized eutrophication. Tanneries, pulp and paper mills, coffee processing factories, breweries and sugar cane processing facilities do not have effective wastewater treatment plants and their effluents contribute organic loads, heavy metals and other toxic substances. The point pollution sources include sugar, paper, and fish industries, and also municipal sewage, oils and lubricants, marine workshops, petrol stations, human wastes and refuse from market and urban centres and fishing villages. The main non-point pollution sources comprise high nitrate, phosphate and pesticides from poor application of agricultural chemical and soil erosion. The Kenyan Lake Victoria Basin has a population of 12 million people and a low depth of approximately 6 meters, thereby causing an inability of catchment areas to perform purification of water. Although only 8% of Lake Victoria falls into Kenyan territory, tributaries such as Sio, Nzoia, Yala, Nyando and Mara are already severely polluted and contribute further to the lake pollution. Uganda The increased demand and use of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers is impacting the water quality in Uganda. Agricultural practices account for 50% of nitrogen and 56% of phosphorus into the Lake Victoria Basin. Additionally, the exploitation of petroleum threatens the overall ecosystems of Lake Albert and Edward Basins. The Northern end of Lake George, Uganda, and its associated wetlands receive localized metal pollution from a former copper mine and tailings left after metal extraction. There is a